Saturday, November 08, 2008

When the Boat comes in...

I was down in Cardiff yesterday.
We decided to go down to the Bay, initially to see Torchwood but we got distracted...
There was a boat coming into land...

The Westminster.
When they were trying to land the crew were all dressed up with hats on looking towards the land...

I didn't realise that Naval Ships/Boats had a crown on them..

Once the gang plank was down there was lots of activity - people milling round the deck, including men with guns....
I started behaving myself ;-)

There was a yellow thing at the blunt end ...

And lots of guns....

And a very big gun at the pointy end ;-)
There is a warning sign :
'Danger Turret may train without warning'
I think the bloke is safe, too short to be shot...
And what do you do with all the rubbish from when you are at sea... you play pass the parcel to the skips that were stationed up the quay.
They also plugged it into the electric and water mains ....

And I got some replacement beads and threading stuff -- today we have a knitted beaded fringe.. photos soon...

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Blogger KnitYoga said...

So glad you've now got the beads threaded. Looking forward to seeing the beaded fringe. Sounds lovely!

1:12 pm  
Blogger suse-the-slow-knitta said...

Being a Geordie I now have
"you can have a fishy, on a little dishy, you can have a fishy, when the boat comes in"
running through my head!

8:35 pm  
Blogger Alison said...

Blimey- you have been a busy little bee! Knitting, woodwork, beading and daytripping! Sounds like life's good right now :)

10:02 pm  

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