Thursday, August 31, 2006

Stuck in Traffic and Secret Pals

I live in the middle of nowhere, we dont have street lights, and to get anywhere I have to travel on country lanes.
Sometimes I meet tractors, sometimes race horses being taken for a walk, sometimes strawberry pickers walking to and from the poly tunnels.

Yesterday was a bit different....

Yes I was stuck behind a cider dray.
This was taken from inside the car. For the visitors there are rides on the dray during the summer, I usually see it on it's return to the factory but yesterday I was early, so didn't really mind waiting to join the main road !

I know there are at least one person out there that would love to be near all that cider but after several bad experiences I wont touch the stuff...

And now for my Secret Pal reveal. I have had my final parcel for a while and the lovely Katherine was sending to me. In her last parcel she sent me the most wonderful chocolates, they look like they are hand painted, really too pretty to eat, so they are being saved for a very special day (and probably not next Friday !!). Many thanks again Katherine for all the goodies you sent to me, the handspun and scottish reminders.

I was sending to Jerra go and pop by her blog and wish her luck for learning to walk again.

And now I must get back to study. I picked up my books again on Tuesday and seem to be doing the course a lot quicker than I should be, hoping that I can get most of genetics done by the end of next week, if my head doesn't explode in the meantime !


Blogger Rosie said...

A cider dray? I nedd to move to your neck of the woods. Imagine my surprise (not!) when I clicked the link to the "cider drinker" and found my blog. In my defence, I'd like to point out that (a) I love the stuff but don't drink to excess (well, not foten) and (b) it has recently been discovered that english apples are particularly high in anitoxidants and that cider guards against heart attacks, strokes etc.

9:43 pm  
Blogger Rain said...

Oooh I love Weston's Cider - I'd have followed it!

11:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go, girl! Um, and you know that exploding bit? Don't worry--it just feels that way. ;-)

2:25 pm  

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