Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Full circles

This has nothing to do with circles..

When we were in Wales a few weeks ago we went on a bit of a detour here....

Well I just had to, we didn't stay long enough to find a stable.
Apparently the post office do a good job franking cards
(we didn't see the post office either...)

This was the view in the sky at the weekend, the largest full moon for several years.

There has been activity on the field/hill at the back of my house, Neil set up a time lapse watching the farmers plant posts in very straight lines.
Hopefully we will be in when they plant the trees - the tractor thing for the posts was amazing to watch (we are easily amused)

This is Neil with his blanket, it didn't take me long to make the front - about two weeks, my head was not in the best place at the time. Pattern is flowers in the snow.

He has an MRI scan tomorrow, his least favourite thing in the world....
Next week he has a pre op assessment followed by a CT scan. (I'm hoping to visit Get Knitted while he is being seen, rude not to as I'm going to be nearby)

His op has been pencilled in for the end of April, we should know more when the surgeon's secretary gets back from her holidays on the 19th April. At least we now know that he will be ok for Wonderwool.

And now I need to get back to my mindless hap shawl, I should get a lot more of it done tomorrow. It is very bag like at the moment, I missed the photo opportunity before I picked up the stitches for the borders, I should manage to finish it before the end of the month......

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Blogger littlelixie said...

Dude, what a kafuffle. So sorry to hear about DH's tumour. My back op was obviously minor in comparison but was spinal cordy and I know the thoughts that go through your mind during the 'what if' phase. Things very very rarely turn out as badly as we fear so you have a big pile of relief to look forward to. Hugs x

4:20 pm  

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