Pleasure and Pain

First the pleasure, this must be one of the best yarns I've ever knitted with - Knitwitches 4ply silk.
Pattern is a thin version of Vine Stitch Wrap from Vogue Shawls on the go.

Socks are finished....
Top of Jitterbug socks
An interesting pooling...

And on the bottom ....
Now my exam is in Bristol and I went yesterday to try and find the hotel - things that would have helped me included taking the address with me.. but I have more of an idea where it is now...

So while in Bristol I had to go to Get Knitted...
I think I have a problem, I was trying to use up sock wool, but due to the space in the stash I had to refill it...
Not sure what the top one is (unlabelled bargain!!)
Bottom is another bargain, thought the two Koigu would make for interesting socks...

Then some unlabelled cashmere jumped into my bag....

And look what I found in the conservatory whilst taking photos, some Colinette Parisenne that matches wonderfully - what do you think to this

And more sock.... the red from the bargain bin...
The others just wanted to cover my feet...

And the main reason for going shopping yesterday....
Addi Lace Needles .... get them quick, they are selling rather quickly !!!
And to help me decide on future foot length a sock guide...

And now I'm off.... I'm not sure when I will be back, I need to study...
Got to get all these into my head by 12 June....
I might be back before then, and if I am I will probably be making less sense than usual !!!

And a calming picture for you.
Water lilies on a non- raining Saturday Pond.